
Initial Couple's Consultation
the trauma of betrayal, getting on the same page as a couple can be
challenging! Our initial consultation can help you discover the essential steps for healing as
individuals while giving you a picture of what the coupleship will face
should either or both of you decide to move forward with recovery. This
consultation will eliminate the need for a constant
rehashing of expectations and give you a clear, evidence-based view of recovery.
Full Disclosure
Sexual betrayal involves significant deception and destroys the foundation of truth a relationship is built upon thus destroying the relationship itself. Full Disclosure is the process of rebuilding a new relationship on a foundation of honesty allowing couples an opportunity to fully heal and fully recover.
Click here to learn more about Full Disclosure.
Parts Work Spiritual Direction for Men with Problematic Sexual Behavior
As a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional through IITAP, I am deeply committed to supporting men with problematic or unwanted sexual behaviors through Internal Family Systems informed parts work spiritual direction. While insufficient as stand-alone support for recovery for problematic porn usage or sexual addiction, parts work spiritual direction can deepen your faith life and maximize the professional healing support you need for a lifelong recovery. To learn more about parts work and addiction, please see the video below. You can also set up an initial consultation to see if parts work spiritual direction is right for you.
Parts Work Spiritual Direction for Couples
"A part of me wants to stay and fight for our relationship while another part of me want to throw in the towel!"
When the different parts of us are at war with each other, we most likely are experiencing similar turmoil within our intimate relationship. The 3 AM "discussions" that lead to nowhere but exhaustion and pain, the shouting matches born of fear and frustration, or the tenacious and unending attempts to "fix the problem" can lead us further and further apart, even with both partners have the best of intentions and are committed to healing. Parts work spiritual direction can help you get to know your own parts and learn how those parts are interacting with your spouse. You might see that you have a part trying to protect you from feeling rejected that shows us in you withdrawing from your partner. Maybe you have a part that feels "never good enough" that shows up in constant "white lies" to your spouse. This kind of spiritual direction is meeting those parts of you with the Compassion of Christ and letting Him bring them healing and relief. That healing then can lead to His healing of your relationship. Set up a Couple's Consultation to learn more about how couples can heal together and how parts work can help. You can also purchase How Couples Can Heal After Betrayal to learn the evidence-based protocol for couples healing after unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal.
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