"Again I Looked" : Listening to the Voices of Catholic Betrayed Wives
"Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed— and they have no comforter..."
Eccl. 4:1
Working with Catholic betrayed wives, I often listen to stories about their interactions with their pastors. I have become convinced that our holy priests are making their best effort to support Catholic betrayed women while not having enough information about their needs and situation to counsel and comfort them. This survey is meant to be a jumping off point to help encourage our pastors to "Look Again" and to further inform them about what a betrayed wife (and their children) face when dealing with a husband's problematic sexual behavior. If you are a Catholic betrayed wife, please consider anonymously participating in this survey. Thank you!
Pax Christi.
Please click the link below to fill out the survey:
"Again I Looked" : Listening to the Voices of Catholic Betrayed Wives
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